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By Will Liu — November 21st 2019 at 07:33

NoiseScout 系统专为无人值守的噪声监测设计,适用于建筑工地,机场等。这是一套可按需配置的专业系统。现在,系统又添新成员,包括即插即用的气象站和 GPS 接收器。

NoiseScout 更新:新配件?
Noise Scout 现在可以提供实时的气象和 GPS 数据。此外,WP30 麦克风全天候防护罩的垂直和水平入射声性能已获型式认证。

NoiseScout 是一个完整方案
NosieScout 的主要任务是记录由 XL2 声级计测量的噪声和音频数据。这些数据都可以通过浏览器在线查看,即便测量进行时也可生成测试报告。

降水量和风速/风向也会影响户外噪声数据。因此,NoiseScout 通过连接的气象站记录气象数据,包括气压,温湿度,风速和风向。记录类型取决于气象站型号。NoiseScout 支持以下气象站,它们均通过 USB 连接:

  • Vaisala WXT532(风)
  • Vaisala WXT533(风,雨)
  • Vaisala WXT536(风,雨,气压,温湿度)

有了 NoiseScout,XL2 声级计就可被远程控制。使用你的计算机或手机浏览器就可实现。你还可以远程监听超标的噪声。噪声预警会通过邮件发送给你,其中包含了声音最大的 10 秒录音。这样就能方便的确定何时以及何种原因导致了噪声超限。所有这些音频和数据都可以通过浏览器下载。

XL2 声级计会将所有数据存储在仪器中。通过 FTP 就能访问。此外,NoiseScout 同时将这些数据存储在云端并自动管理,对重要事件可邮件提醒用户。


这些新特性是 XL2 固件 V4.21 的一部分。所有注册用户都可免费更新。

新固件经德国 PTB 和奥地利 BEV 型式认证。在瑞士,V4.11 版固件经型式认证。
更多关于 XL2 声级计 
NoiseScout 户外监测站
NoiseScout 支持哪些气象站?
获取 RFT 格式新闻

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XL2-TA 户外噪声监测站全新功能

By Will Liu — November 21st 2019 at 03:42

现在开始,XL2-TA 型式认证声级计也可用于永久户外噪声监测。最新的 V4.21 固件经德国 PTB 型式认证。型式认证同样涵盖附件,如用于 M2230 一级麦克风的 WP30 气象防护罩。这次免费的固件升级也包括对建筑声学的性能提升。

全新 XL2-TA:更多用途,更加全面
XL2-TA 的应用领域非常广泛。仪器直插麦克风,通过延长线或放在气象防护箱内都能使用。左右这些配置都经过德国,奥地利和瑞士的型式认证。系统完全符合一级精度的严苛标准,这些要求都被详细列在 IEC 61672-1,IEC 61260-1 和 DIN 45657 标准中。

对于户外测量应用更有额外加强。噪声测量站装在提供 IP65 或 IP43 等级的防护箱中方便移动。它也可永久安装在气象防护箱内,固定在灯杆或外墙等部位。

WP30 气象防护罩也更新了?
WP30 气象防护罩根据型式认证标准进一步完善。并且,水平和入射声经 PTB 验证。为了让户外噪声测量达到一级精度,所有的装配工差都特别标明。还有全新防鸟尖 BS01。

XL2-TA 户外噪声测量站包含哪些设备?
XL2-TA 型式认证声级计是测量核心, M2230 量测麦克风,型式认证选件和校准器也列在型式认证证书中。更多信息,请看。

除了对 XL2-TA 的附件配置选项进行提升,新固件 V4.21 功能扩展包括:

  • 增强了使用 32 GB 存储卡时的数据管理性能
  • 优化了触发混响时间测量的性能
  • NoiseScout 让你可以在计算机或手机中监听音频片段
  • 连接 WP30 气象防护罩时选择水平或垂直入射声修正曲线


更多关于 XL2 声级计
下载 XL2-TA 新固件
NoiseScout 监测站
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✇ Allstate Auto Blog

Quick Fix: Defrost Your Windshield

By The Allstate Blog Team — November 21st 2019 at 11:00

During those cold winter months, you may often find your windshield covered in frost. Maybe you let the car run with the defrost on, or you get out an ice scraper to clear your windshield. But, Meteorologist Ken Weathers has a tip that may help you clear up the frost quickly and with less effort.

Oops. Something went wrong with the CTA block.

Step 1: Mix the Solution

Put on rubber gloves, then mix two parts rubbing alcohol with one part water. (Do not use hot water, Weathers says, because it may crack your windshield. Room temperature or cold water is fine. Isopropyl alcohol can be used instead of rubbing alcohol, too.)

Step 2: Get a Spray Bottle

Pour the mixture into an empty spray bottle.

Step 3: Spray the Mixture

Spray the mixture onto your windshield, and watch the frost clear up.

You can even leave the spray bottle with the mixture in your car, because rubbing alcohol has a freezing point of 128 degrees below zero (in Fahrenheit), says Weathers.

As the temperatures drop, be ready for frosty days by having this simple defrosting spray at hand. By spending a few minutes to make this mixture, this quick fix can help you get on the road a little quicker.

Originally published on January 4, 2017.

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Help Prevent Car Doors From Freezing With Cooking Spray

By The Allstate Blog Team — November 20th 2019 at 11:00

When dealing with the frigid temperatures of winter, there’s not much worse than coming out to your car to find the doors frozen shut. According to Lifehacker, car doors can freeze because water from rain or snow gets into the rubber seal, or gasket, around the door and then freezes when the temperatures drop. Fortunately, there is a simple trick that may help prevent this from happening, using nothing but ordinary household cooking spray.

Apply the spray to the door’s rubber seal weekly during the coldest winter months, or as needed before expected icy, frigid storms, says Brian L. Gochenour, laser operations manager and sales engineer at Broadway Metal Works.

Oops. Something went wrong with the CTA block.

Step 1: Grab some cooking spray.

Any ordinary cooking spray should work.

Step 2: Spray your car door’s rubber seal.

Open your car door, and look for the rubber gasket all around its edge. Spray the rubber on the top, side and bottom of the door with the cooking spray.

Step 3: Wipe off any excess with a paper towel.

Take a dry paper towel and gently rub the rubber seal to get rid of drips and excess spray.

Step 4: Repeat process on each of your vehicle’s doors.

Apply the cooking spray to each door on your car. This should help prevent the doors from freezing shut, and you’ll be able to get into your vehicle with ease in the cold weather.

Originally published on November 15, 2016.

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Tips for Driving and Parking on Black Friday

By The Allstate Blog Team — November 15th 2019 at 11:00

While Black Friday shopping may bring exciting deals and the fun of finding a bargain, the traffic and parking can be a challenge. Parking spaces are limited, people always seem to be in a rush to get to the next stop and the roads are congested. But with a little planning, you may be able to avoid the added stress driving and parking can create. As you head out to tackle your holiday shopping this year, remember these Black Friday traffic and parking tips.

Plan Your Route Before You Go

Checking out the sales ads and figuring out where you need to go before leaving your house can help keep your day moving smoothly. Popular Science suggests creating a driving route based on what stores you plan to visit. Prioritize your route by the items you want the most, which stores have great deals or which retailer opens the earliest, says The Balance. By not bouncing from one side of town to the other all day, you may be able to maximize your shopping time and get done earlier so you only have to deal with a few hours of traffic on Black Friday.

Oops. Something went wrong with the CTA block.

Take Advantage of Navigation Apps

With so many bargain hunters looking to get to their next stop, you may want to consider downloading a traffic app before the big day. Techlicious notes that there are a number of navigation apps available that can help you plan the quickest route, avoid traffic jams and provide turn-by-turn directions.

It can be helpful to enter your route into your GPS device or cellphone ahead of time, so you’re ready to navigate the busy roads. And, if your app provides traffic information, it may help you find a better route if the crowds are backing up traffic.

Avoid Distractions

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), both drivers and pedestrians are likely to be distracted and rushed during the holiday season — stating that the number of accidents spikes each year on Black Friday. On a day when traffic is heavy and you may feel rushed and flustered, the last thing you need is an accident. To limit distractions, put cellphones away and leave the music off.

The NSC recommends that drivers avoid cutting across lanes on roads and in parking lots. Use extra caution when backing out of parking spots, and watch for pedestrians, especially children and parents pushing strollers. Remember to keep a safe distance from the car in front of you and use extra caution throughout the day.

Park With Care

Between drivers looking for open spots, jam-packed lots and narrow aisles, Black Friday parking can be an accident waiting to happen. But by remembering these simple tips from International Parking and Mobility Institute, you can take some extra precautions that may help prevent major problems:

  • Back out slowly and carefully: Use your mirrors and back-up camera (if you have one), but do not rely on them completely. Always turn and look around all sides of your vehicle while slowly inching out of your spot.
  • Be especially aware of pedestrians: When driving down a parking lot aisle, go slowly so you have time to react if a pedestrian steps in front of your vehicle. Look to see if anyone is getting in or out of a nearby car before pulling into or backing out of a parking spot. Be especially watchful for small children, who can be difficult to see from inside your car.
  • Park at a distance: If you park farther away from the store or mall doors, there are often fewer cars vying for spots. Plus, it might give you a quicker and easier exit when you leave.
  • Be a considerate driver: When parking, make sure you are centered in the lines and that you’ve left enough space for other drivers to open their doors. Also, do not block other spaces while waiting for a spot.

With so many people out on the road the day after Thanksgiving, you may run into some unexpected hassles — no matter how well you plan. While you can’t predict what Black Friday traffic will be like, if you remember these tips and take the necessary precautions, things may go a little more smoothly.

Originally published on November 24, 2014.

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使用 XL2 快速测量频率响应

By Will Liu — October 2nd 2019 at 09:16

如果您想测量扬声器等音频器件的频率响应,但又不想总是等低频稳定后才开始测量,那 MR-PRO 和 XL2 二人组为您提供了创造性的解决方案。

这个方案使用 MR-PRO 提供的两个全新测试信号和 XL2 的全新测量功能。两个信号包含 1 秒和 4 秒循环播放的粉噪声,通过它们,XL2 能实时快速计算稳定的测量结果。

实现这一功能的关键在于测试信号的设计。粉噪声经过塑形,能分别在 1 秒和 4 秒内得到平坦的频率响应。这一特性让 XL2 分析仪可以在数秒内以 1/12 倍频程分辨率精确测量频率响应。


使用这个极为便利的方法的唯一前提就是下载 NTi Audio 的专用测试信号“Fastpnk1”或“Fastpnk4”[1],并在 XL2 分析仪中添加对应测量功能。该功能需 XL2 安装不低于 V4.30 的固件以及频谱公差选件。

[1]测试信号受版权保护,仅限于和 XL2 分析仪配合使用


了解更多关于 XL2 声级计

了解更多关于 MR-PRO/MR2 信号发生器

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数字 MEMS 麦克风的品质控制

By Will Liu — September 26th 2019 at 09:05

随着语音识别和控制等应用的广泛普及,数字 MEMS 麦克风在通信,娱乐,移动设备,医疗和家用电器等领域扮演着越来越重要的角色。通常来说,应用中会将多支 MEMS 麦克风组成阵列安装在设备内,以实现如定向识别或噪声抑制等功能。NTi Audio 的麦克风测试系统可以快速可靠地测量单支 MEMS 麦克风和阵列的品质。

麦克风测试系统的核心是 FX100 音频分析仪。它通过 MEMS 麦克风切换盒与数字 MEMS 麦克风连接。最多可评估 8 支 MEMS 麦克风,且可设置时钟频率和操作电平。参考扬声器和量测麦克风确保了测试精度和可重复性。

示意图:数字 MEMS 麦克风测试系统

Nti  Audio 的 RT-Mic 控制软件奖处理所有任务,可视化显示结果并将其与良品对比。典型测试参数有灵敏度,频率响应,失真和信噪比等。整个麦克风模块和单个麦克风息息相关。

含 6 支数字 MEMS 麦克风的阵列测量结果

了解更多关于数字 MEMS 麦克风测量的流程,方法和技术挑战。



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NTi Audio 用户线下交流会圆满落幕

By Will Liu — September 5th 2019 at 02:21

2019年8月28日星期三,NTi Audio 在美丽的中国苏州举行了 2019 年度用户线下交流会。来自大中华区的 NTi Audio 忠实粉丝们齐聚一堂,一同分享和讨论音频与声学测量的实践经验。NTi Audio 用户交流会致力于打造一个全新平台,让用户不仅可以互相学习,还可以展示自己的服务与产品。每个人都是参与者和分享者。

除了来自 NTi Audio 总部的 Gregor Schmidle先生,我们还邀请了清华大学建筑物理实验室高级工程师王鹏先生,及镇江市建设工程质量检测中心有限公司的华实先生。他们无私地向与会者分享了多年积累的实践经验和最新研究成果,并耐心解答了现场观众的提问。


随着 5G 的发展,各种智能设备越来越多的出现在人们的日常生活中,要保证这些设备与用户的交互体验,就必须验证其麦克风和扬声器的性能。Gregor 先生为大家介绍了测试这些智能设备的基本逻辑,并现场演示了自动化测试流程。NTi Audio 高效的测试方案令人印象深刻。

王鹏先生的演讲贴近实际,他总结了自己工作多年的经典案例,将现场测试中遇到的难题和趣闻分享给与会者。他还介绍了2022 年北京冬奥会水立方场馆的改造近况,并称赞 NTi Audio 的设备在其中发挥了巨大作用。王老师的毫无保留让人受益匪浅,现场的许多用户表示,这些经验可以让自己在今后的工作中少走许多弯路。

接下来分享的主题还包括如何快速测量混响时间 RT60 和建筑隔声,如何在研发和生产中对 MEMS 麦克风阵列进行专业测量。最后压轴的华实先生介绍了自己关于建筑楼板隔声性能的研究,他的演讲结合了理论和实际,内容详实,通过大量数据和现场调研,提供了建筑楼板隔声的新思路。

最后的用户交流环节,大家在轻松的氛围中互相探讨,NTi Audio 的工程师也为与会者提供了现场咨询和技术支持服务。一位用户兴奋的表示,“这样的会议更加贴近用户需求,我们不用像上课一样学习枯燥的理论,却了解了音频与声学测量的基本逻辑和实践中的诸多误区,希望今后还有更多机会以这种方式和老朋友们见面!”

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By Will Liu — August 30th 2019 at 03:12

一间厅堂的声学特性必须能满足其用途。比如,在教室中,较短的混响时间有利于语言清晰度,而对于演奏钢琴奏鸣曲的音乐厅,稍长一些的混响时间才有利于音效。这一切都说明了合理控制混响时间的重要意义。来自 NTi Audio 的全新软件“室内声学报告软件”,配合 DS3 十二面体扬声器和 XL2 声级计,组成了全面分析和优化混响时间 RT60 的领先解决方案。

混响时间是一间厅堂最重要的声学参数之一。房间的设计用途决定了其所需的混响时间大小。对于一间教室,根据教室大小不同,混响时间应在 0.5 秒至 1 秒之间以便学生都能听清。但现实中往往不是这样,尤其对历史较长的学校更是如此,因为他们通常都缺少吸声材料。对于音乐厅,2 至 3 秒的混响时间则能创造出温暖且丰富的听感。

强大的 DS3 声源

进行符合标准的混响时间测量时,需要使用全指向性声源。声音能量必须能在各个方向均匀扩散。现行标准还要求其在相关频带具备平坦的频谱。DS3 十二面体扬声器在发出足够声功率的同时,还能完全满足这些要求,因此,它是混响时间测量的理想信号源。

使用 XL2 测量混响时间

XL2 可以在 63 Hz 至 8000 Hz 上测量混响时间。许多吸声材料制造商都以倍频程分辨率标注材料属性,XL2 默认支持 1/1 倍频程。若需要测量 1/3 倍频程混响,则可以安装“扩展声学包”选件。XL2 可自动被脉冲声或闸控粉噪声触发。测量时,还可以选择 T20 或 T30 方法,两种方法对声压级衰减的要求不同。


室内声学报告软件专用于混响时间的分析和报告。RT60 测量结果可以随时和框限对比,框限可根据空间大小和房间设计目的决定,很多标准,如 DIN 18041 等都有明确说明。如果测量结果超出框限,软件可以模拟添加吸声材料后的混响情况。修正的混响时间经赛宾公式计算后会实时显示在结果图表中。这就大大简化了吸声材料的选择和安装过程。


为了进行混响时间的模拟计算,您可以下载和导入多家制造商的吸声材料系数 α。吸声材料数据会持续更新。当然,您也可以自己编辑数据并导入。


室内声学报告软件可以安装在任意计算机上。同时,需要在 XL2 中永久安装“室内声学”选件或选择更经济的年度订阅方案“室内声学报告 365”。软件内置示例数据,以便参考和评估。

室内声学报告软件需要 XL2 固件版本不低于 V4.20。如果您使用的是型式认证声级计 XL2-TA,请和我们联系以便使用该软件。1/3 倍频程分辨率混响时间的测量需要安装扩展声学包选件。


更多关于 DS3 十二面体扬声器
更多关于 XL2 声级计


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How to Steer Clear of Animals on The Road

By The Allstate Blog Team — October 29th 2019 at 10:00

It’s a scary feeling — that moment you’re driving along and an animal darts into the road. You’re left with a split second to react and hopefully avoid an accident. With a little knowledge, you may be able to keep the animal, yourself and your car safe. These tips can help you learn how to steer clear of animals on the road.

1. Know the Environment

Being aware of the environment you’re driving through can help you know what kind of animals you may encounter. In urban and suburban areas you’re more likely to encounter smaller animals, such as squirrels, rabbits, opossums or raccoons, says the Washington State Department of Transportation. In wooded or rural areas, however, you’ll also need to keep an eye out for deer, horses or cows that stray onto the road. In some areas you may need to look for larger animals, like moose, bears and elk.

Animals tend to be most active at dawn, dusk and for a few hours after sunset, so the Humane Society of the United States (Humane Society) recommends watching for wildlife during these times. Also, use extra caution when driving on roads that run through wooded areas and between fields.

2. Be Alert

It’s important to stay alert — keeping your focus not just on the road ahead but on the sides of the road, too, says the Humane Society. There may be animals nearby that are about to cross the road. Also, keep in mind that if you see one animal, there are likely more nearby, says the Humane Society.

Always follow the posted speed limit, and consider reducing your speed at night, notes the the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT). Slow down and pay extra attention in areas where warning signs, such as deer or moose crossing signs, are posted. These signs indicate an area where there’s a large population of animals and collisions are more frequent, according to MaineDOT.

3. Improve Visibility

To help you see better, the Humane Society suggests using your high beams whenever it is possible and appropriate to do so. Also consider dimming your dashboard lights a bit, as this may make it easier for you to see your headlights reflecting off of a nearby animal’s eyes — hopefully giving you a little more time to slow down or stop.

MaineDOT also recommends that you drive slow enough that you could stop within the distance your headlights are shining. This may reduce the chance of you not being able to stop in time for an animal (or any other object) that is just beyond the area your headlights are illuminating.

4. Don’t Swerve

If you encounter an animal on the road, do not swerve to try to miss it. Consumer Reports says that turning quickly and sharply increases your risk of losing control of your vehicle or hitting another car. Swerving may also confuse the animal and cause it to move unpredictably. It is better to hit the brakes — slowing down as quickly and safely as possible, says Consumer Reports. Keep in mind that an accident with another vehicle is likely more dangerous than colliding with wildlife.

The bottom line is that you need to stay alert for wildlife while driving. Just like many other potential hazards, an animal in the road can be unexpected and unpredictable. With a little knowledge of your surroundings and some defensive driving skills, however, you may be able to avoid an unfortunate animal encounter.

Originally published on September 22, 2015.

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The 7 Spookiest Cities in the U.S.

By The Allstate Blog Team — September 27th 2019 at 11:00

Things that go bump in the night. Faint cries coming from empty rooms. Shadowy figures that fade from view. It’s all deliciously creepy fun.

If you’re a ghost hunter or you just love feeling a chill run up and down your spine, hop on the road to visit these seven destinations that are well known for their spooky history.

  • spookiest cities - mackinac island.

    1. Mackinac Island, Michigan

    Why it’s spooky: Being on the island is like traveling back in time — cars have been banned and people get around with bicycles, on foot or by horse and carriage, according to With a rich history that includes Native American legends and military lore from Fort Mackinac, the island has its fair share of ghost tales.
    Most famous ghost: The ghost of a young man named Harvey famously haunts guests at Mission Point Resort, the Mackinac Island Town Crier reports. Harvey died on the bluff behind the hotel. Today he’s said to turn on lights when guests are sleeping, steal or rearrange their personal items and appear on the bluff on starry nights.
  • spookiest cities - salem.

    2. Salem, Massachusetts

    Why it’s spooky: It should be no surprise that the location of the Witch Trials draws flocks of tourists every year to this Eastern port city. In the ancient cemetery in the center of town, the gravestones of people involved in the 1692 trials still stand next to a new monument bearing the names of the people who were executed during that difficult time, according to
    Most famous ghost: Bridget Bishop, a wealthy owner of a local tavern, was the first woman killed for witchcraft during the Witch Trials. She is seen regularly at the Lyceum Bar and Grill, which was built on the site where Bridget owned an apple orchard, according to the Travel Channel.
  • spookiest cities - charleston.

    3. Charleston, South Carolina

    Why it’s spooky: This Southern city boasts 300 years of reported hauntings, according to the Travel Channel. It’s a very well-known destination for those who love all things eerie, so much so that there’s even a series of bestselling ghostly novels, the Tradd Street mysteries, by Karen White, set in the city’s antebellum mansions.
    Most famous ghost: Reported ghost sightings are plentiful in Charleston’s White Point Garden, where 50 pirates were hanged in the 1700s. Their spirits are said to haunt this popular tourist attraction to this day. Visitors report unexplained cold spots on hot days, and have seen shadowy figures floating between the trees.
  • spookiest cities - new orleans.

    4. New Orleans, Louisiana

    Why it’s spooky: New Orleans’ association with voodoo, ghost stories and vampire novels makes it an eerie place on the brightest of days, not to mention on foggy nights.
    Most famous ghost: The ghost of notorious pirate Jean Lafitte is said to make regular visits to his old haunt, Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop Bar on Bourbon Street, where he is rumored to have hidden a treasure before his death, Travel+Leisure reports. Patrons and employees alike have reported seeing his red eyes glowing behind the fireplace downstairs, staring at them before disappearing.
  • spookiest cities - savannah.

    5. Savannah, Georgia

    Why it’s spooky: For all of its Southern charm, Savannah is said to be one of the most haunted cities in the country, with many of the historic mansions, pubs and inns having their own resident ghosts, the Travel Channel reports.
    Most famous ghost: The City Hotel on Bay Street (now the Moon River Brewing Co.) had an unexpectedly rough history, according to the Travel Channel. Legends include a bar fight that ended in murder and, amid the tensions of the Civil War, a mob of customers brutally beating a visiting New Yorker. It’s reported that apparitions appear on upper floors and bottles are thrown by invisible forces. But if you feel a push in the billiard room while no one’s around, it might be Toby, the ghost of a young boy.
  • spookiest cities - st. charles.

    6. St. Charles, Missouri

    Why it’s spooky: St. Charles, where Meriwether Lewis and William Clark started their famous expedition to explore the area west of the Mississippi River, is home to historic shops and restaurants in buildings that date back more than two centuries — and nearly all of them have a story about ghostly hauntings, Minnesota’s StarTribune reports.
    Most famous ghost: According to local legend, the spirit of a little girl floats in and out of many shops and restaurants on South Main Street, and an elegantly dressed couple regularly waits for a table at a restaurant, only to disappear when the host or hostess arrives to seat them, the StarTribune reports. There’s even a story that tells of a ghostly dog that ambles down Main Street. But the most famous ghost is the Lady in White, who is said to stand in front of the church in the old cemetery at the center of town, smiles at people who notice her and then fades away.
    Image courtesy of Explore St. Louis.
  • spookiest cities - charlotte.

    7. Charlotte, North Carolina

    Why it’s spooky: Spirits are said to float in and around many of the Civil War-era homes and restaurants in the historic district of this city that is otherwise dripping with Southern charm, the Travel Channel reports.
    Most famous ghost: The Cajun Queen, an old mansion that was converted into a restaurant, is supposedly haunted by the ghost of a woman who once lived there, according to the Travel Channel. Because the bar is located in what was her bedroom, she supposedly haunts those who are bold enough to stop for a drink.

Originally published September 26, 2016.


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Buying a Classic Car: A Beginner’s Guide

By The Allstate Blog Team — September 23rd 2019 at 12:00

Buying a classic car has a certain appeal for some — whether it’s for nostalgic value or the joy of participating in a tight-knit collector community. Even if you’re new to the classic-car world, you’re likely aware that older cars can come with wear and tear or mechanical issues. With some due diligence and preparation, finding the right classic car can be a little easier. If you’re in the market for a classic car, consider these tips before making the purchase:

What to Consider Before Buying a Classic Car

Owning a classic car is different from owning a newer vehicle in some key ways. Here are three important factors you may want to consider before buying a classic car:


First and foremost, you should formulate a budget so you know what you can afford. You should not only budget for the purchase price of the vehicle, but also the cost of maintenance, insurance and potential upgrades.

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Maintenance and Body Shop Accessibility

AutoTrader notes that classic cars are older, so maintenance can be more costly. This is because quality parts for a classic car can be scarce, and it may be difficult to find a repair shop that works on classic vehicles. You may want to do some research to see if you can find repair shops that specialize in classic vehicle maintenance in your area. As you shop for a classic car, you may also want to consider any maintenance and repairs that may need to be completed on the vehicle, says CARFAX. You may be able to get some maintenance and parts estimates from specialty body shops so you know what to expect.

Market Trends

Finally, be sure to research market trends, as the cost of a classic car can fluctuate over time. The value of a classic car is usually dependent on the make and model of the vehicle, and how many of them were produced, says U.S. News and World Report. Whether the car is in its original condition or has been restored can also be a determining factor when it comes to price. If you’re looking to purchase a classic car as an investment, remember to do your research and keep these considerations in mind. Online discussion forums for your desired vehicle make, resources such as Hemmings or the National Automobile Dealers Association, and specialty car shops can all be helpful sources of insight and data, says AutoTrader.

Inspection Tips for Classic Cars

A classic car purchase often warrants a closer inspection and a longer test drive than newer models, so you can accurately see how it’s running, says CARFAX. As you shop for your classic car, be prepared to spend some time inspecting each vehicle you look at. In fact, you might even want to consider having a professional inspect the vehicle for body or engine issues and damage. If a seller is ever apprehensive about letting you have someone inspect the vehicle, you may want to think twice about the purchase.

CARFAX says these are some other items you may want to consider before signing on the dotted line:

  • Ask about the car’s history and if the current owner has any maintenance records.
  • Request the VIN number so you can run a search of the vehicle’s history (such as those offered by CARFAX or Experian).
  • Inquire about accident and repair history (a vehicle history report can help).

Carefully consider the car’s condition, history, mileage, maintenance costs and related factors when negotiating a final purchase price. For example, Men’s Journal says the lower the mileage, the higher the value will be, but issues like rust should be taken into consideration.

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How to Insure a Classic Car

Traditional car insurance may not always be an available option, or the right option, for a classic car. Consider whether classic car insurance is an option for your collector vehicle. This type of specialty insurance can usually provide a greater reimbursement value for a classic car if your’e in an accident. However, it’s important to keep in mind that some classic car insurance policies may require you to limit the amount of miles you drive each year. When you find a classic car that you’re interested in purchasing, it’d be a good idea to consult with your insurance agent to talk about your options.

Buying and owning a classic car can be a fun experience, but requires some extra research and responsibility. Taking an informed approach to the purchase and maintenance of a classic vehicle may help you make a rewarding investment that you can enjoy for years to come.

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What You Need to Know Before Driving to Mexico

By The Allstate Blog Team — September 18th 2019 at 12:00

Whether you’re considering driving to Mexico for fun or business, preparing for a drive across the border might entail a few more steps than you may expect. To help ensure you’ve covered all the bases, here are some tips to help you get ready to travel to Mexico by car:

What Documents Are Required to Drive to Mexico?

According to the Department of State, you’ll need to obtain the following documents as you prepare for your drive to Mexico:

  • A U.S. Passport (or Green Card)
  • A U.S. Driver’s License (or International Driving Permit)
  • Proof of car registration
  • A Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit (TVIP)
  • A Mexico Tourist Card/Entry Permit (FMM)
  • A Mexico tourist auto insurance policy

To help ensure you have all the documentation needed for your specific trip, you may want to contact the State Department to see if there are any additional items you’ll need.

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Preparing for Your Drive to Mexico

To help make sure your drive to Mexico is as efficient as possible, consider approaching your travel planning in steps. Getting ready for your trip may be more manageable if you follow these four steps:

Step 1: Begin Gathering Documentation and Determine Your Driving Route

Plan ahead for your trip by gathering existing documents that are necessary to cross the border — for example, many travelers likely already have a driver’s license, passport and car registration. Then, consider your driving route and how long you intend to stay in Mexico. You should also determine how far into Mexico you intend to drive. This information is necessary to obtain your TVIP and FMM cards, according to the Department of State.

Step 2: Purchase Mexico Tourist Auto Insurance

Whether you’re driving your own vehicle or renting a car, you’ll need to purchase a Mexico tourist auto insurance policy for your trip. If you plan on driving your own vehicle, contact your insurance agent about purchasing a Mexico tourist auto insurance policy. If you’re renting a vehicle, the Department of State says you can purchase the insurance directly through most car rental agencies.

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Step 3: Apply for TVIP or FMM Cards

If you’ll be traveling more than 12 miles into Mexico, you’ll need to obtain TVIP and FMM cards, according to the Department of State. The application process to obtain these documents will likely require some of the documents you’ve already gathered, such as your driver’s license or passport.

  • TVIP cards: You can typically apply for a TVIP card online no earlier than 60 days but no less than seven days before your trip, according to ConsulMex. You may also be able to apply for a TVIP card up to six months in advance of your trip at certain Mexico Consulates in the United States. TVIP cards can also be obtained directly at the border crossing before entering Mexico, says the Department of State.
  • FMM cards: You can usually obtain an FMM card online in advance of your trip. Otherwise, you can get one directly at the border crossing, says the Department of State — adding that travelers may be asked to present this card at road checkpoints while within Mexico.

While both cards can be obtained at the border crossing, it may be a good idea to apply for these cards before your trip. That way, you can ensure there won’t be any issues with obtaining the cards after you’ve already hit the road.

Step 4: Prepare for Your Road Trip

Before departing on your trip, it’s a good idea to spend some time familiarizing yourself with driving laws in Mexico, road signage and any current travel advisories, says the Department of State. You should also keep some safety measures in mind as you prepare for your trip. Having an emergency car kit and a written list of emergency contacts on hand may be helpful if you get into a bind. If you’re driving your own vehicle, complete a vehicle inspection and any needed routine maintenance to help ensure your car is road trip ready.

Any trip abroad is an opportunity for adventure and learning. By taking a little time to prepare for your drive to Mexico, you can help minimize potential stress during your visit and enjoy your trip.

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Tips for Transporting Your Car During a Move

By The Allstate Blog Team — September 16th 2019 at 12:00

You’re making a long-distance move, and all of your household belongings are loaded up in the moving truck. But, how exactly are you going to transport your car to your new home at the same time? Towing your vehicle to a new state can be a great option. Whether you’re towing the car yourself or hiring a company to help, keep these helpful tips in mind as you transport your car during your move.

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Towing Your Own Vehicle

You may decide that you’d like to tow your own vehicle during a cross-country move. If so, there are two types of trailers commonly used to transport a vehicle: a tow dolly or car carrier. A tow dolly lifts your car’s front wheels off the road and pulls the vehicle by its rear wheels, says Angie’s List. A car carrier lifts your vehicle completely off the ground and has its own wheels.

While towing your own car may be a cost-friendly option, remember that it may not be the best option depending on the weight and size of your car, says For example, if your car has a low front end, you may have some trouble getting it up the loading ramp. Tow dollies and carriers may also limit the mobility of your moving truck, especially when it comes to backing up, adds

When hooking up a tow dolly or car carrier to your moving truck, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to help you ensure it’s safely installed.

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Hiring a Vehicle Transport Company

If you choose to hire a transport company to move your vehicle, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, know your options. Most vehicle transport companies offer open or enclosed car carriers, says An open carrier is exposed to the outdoor elements, and your car is usually one of many being transported at the same time. Enclosed transporters protect your car from the elements but can cost up to 80 percent more than an open car carrier, according to Typically, enclosed carriers are ideal if you’re transporting a high-end or classic car.

As you research car carrier services, be sure to check their reviews and pricing. According to Edmunds, some factors that might affect how much you pay include:

  • Your current location
  • How far you are moving
  • Size and weight of your vehicle
  • Time of year

You should also ask each transport company if they’re insured — and call your insurance agent to see if your auto insurance covers your car while it’s being transported by a third party. And remember, auto transport brokers (someone who arranges the transportation service for you) and car carrier companies are required to be registered with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, says the Department of Transportation.

When you’ve hired a vehicle transport company and are ready for the move, Angie’s List recommends taking the following precautions:

  • Inspect your car before it’s loaded onto the carrier and document any imperfections (such as dents or scratches). It may be a good idea to take photos as well.
  • Remove all personal belongings from the vehicle.
  • Confirm if the carrier needs your car’s alarm deactivated or a certain amount of gas in the tank.

Whether you decide to tow your vehicle or hire a company to ship your car, doing some research can help you be better prepared when moving day arrives. Choose the option that you’re confident in so you can get on the road to enjoy your new adventure.

Originally published on April 4, 2013.

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Back to School: School Bus Safety Tips

By The Allstate Blog Team — September 6th 2019 at 11:00

During the school year, mornings include kids waiting at bus stops and school buses on the roads — sometimes stopping every few blocks. It’s important to teach young students about staying safe around and on the bus, but it’s just as important for drivers to use caution near children and school buses. Whether you’re walking your kids to the bus stop or driving to work, keep these school bus safety tips in mind.

School Bus Safety for Students

While it can be hectic getting everyone up and ready in the morning, the American School Bus Council says children who are rushing to the bus may be at higher risk for an accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that students get to the bus stop at least 5 minutes ahead of their scheduled pick-up time. If you have younger children, Safe Kids Worldwide recommends that an adult walks them to the bus stop and waits with them.

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Once you’ve arrived at the bus stop, the NHTSA recommends the following school bus safety tips:

  • At the bus stop:
    • Wait at least 6 feet away from the curb. (Tell young children to stay at least three giant steps away from the edge of the street.)
    • Teach kids that they should not run around and play while waiting.
  • Getting on and off the bus:
    • Wait for the bus to stop completely and for the door to open. Do not approach the bus to get on, or stand up to get off, until the driver says it’s OK.
    • Use handrails when getting on or off the bus.
    • Always face forward when seated.
    • Use seat belts if they are available, says the National Safety Council.
  • Near the bus:
    • Never cross the street behind a school bus.
    • When crossing in front of the bus, make sure you are at least 10 feet in front of the bus so the driver can see you.
    • If anyone drops something near the bus, tell the driver. Do not lean down to pick it up, as the bus driver may not be able to see you.

Safety Tips for Drivers

If you commute to work, give yourself a few extra minutes to drive to the office to safely accommodate your neighborhood school buses. The NHTSA provides these safety tips for driving through a neighborhood where school buses and kids are present:

  • As you pull out of your garage or driveway, watch out for children who may be on their way to a bus stop or school.
  • Look out for children walking in or near the street and for kids gathering near bus stops. Stay alert, as kids may run into the street to catch a school bus if they’re running late.
  • If you see flashing yellow lights on a bus, slow down as this means the bus is about to stop.
  • If you see flashing red lights and a stop sign extended, come to a complete stop. This indicates that children are getting on or off the school bus. Do not drive again until the lights have stopped flashing and the bus is moving again.
  • Know and obey your state’s specific school bus laws.
  • Slow down and use extra caution when driving through school zones, says Safe Kids Worldwide.

It’s important to help get kids safely to and from school each day. Make sure your children know basic school bus safety — both on and around the bus. And if you’re driving, remember to slow down near kids and stop when a bus is letting kids on or off at each stop.

Originally published on August 21, 2013.

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Brighten the Night with Proper Headlight Maintenance

By The Allstate Blog Team — September 4th 2019 at 12:00

You may think your car’s headlights are in good shape as long as they power on when you need them. But, have you ever thought about headlight maintenance and how it can help improve their performance? From learning how to inspect your headlights to how to adjust them, these tips can help you ensure they’re properly lighting the road while you’re driving at night.

Clean the Headlights

Are the lenses (the plastic covering) on your car’s headlights crystal clear, or do you see some fogginess and yellowing? Popular Mechanics says most manufacturers apply a UV protective film to the exterior of the lens to help protect the headlights. Over time, UV rays can damage this film and cause the lenses to appear foggy or yellow — this can contribute to impaired visibility while driving at night.

If your headlights are no longer clear, a headlight restoration kit may help clean them. The steps typically involve sanding and waxing, so be sure to follow the kit instructions to help ensure you clean the headlights properly. If you don’t see a big improvement, you may need to use another restoration kit or buy replacement headlights, says Popular Mechanics.

Replace Headlight Bulbs

If your headlight lenses are clear but still seem to let off dim lighting, it may be time to replace the bulbs. Headlight bulbs naturally dim over time and need to be replace every few years, according to Consumer Reports. When choosing a bulb, The Family Handyman recommends selecting a long-life bulb if you do more night driving. These bulbs last about three times longer than standard bulbs.

Check and Adjust Light Bulbs

Check your headlight bulbs to see if they are centered correctly and pointing towards the road. Over time, bulbs can become misaligned and end up pointing too high, too low or off to one side. Some cars have built-in bubble levelers to help you align the headlights, notes Popular Mechanics. These are typically located on the sides and top of the headlight unit. If you can see that the bubbles are not centered in the levelers, you’ll know the headlights need adjusting.

To check the aim of your bulbs manually, Popular Mechanics recommends following these steps:

  1. Make sure your car is level. If necessary, remove any items from your vehicle (or trunk) that may be offsetting the balance.
  2. Pull the vehicle as close as possible to a plain-colored wall and turn on the headlights.
  3. Mark the center of where each light beam hits the wall with pieces of tape. Place one piece of tape horizontally and one vertically. The vertical piece of tape should be about 2 feet long.
  4. Back up your vehicle about 25 feet and keep the headlights on. If the bulbs are set properly, the most intense portion of the light beam should be at the center of (or right below) the horizontal piece of tape and to the right of the vertical piece of tape.

If you find that you need to adjust the headlights, locate the adjusters and move them as needed — these are typically a bolt or screw on the sides or back of a headlight, says Popular Mechanics. You can also check your owner’s manual for details on adjusting your vehicle’s headlights.

If you have any concerns as you inspect or clean your headlights, consult with a mechanic or auto repair shop for advice. And remember, your headlights aren’t the only lighting components on your car that may need inspecting from time to time. Be sure to check your tail lights, brake lights and turn signal bulbs regularly and replace them as needed.

Originally published on April 18, 2012.

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5 Simple Tailgating Safety Tips

By The Allstate Blog Team — August 26th 2019 at 11:00

Football season and tailgating go hand in hand. While spending the weekend grilling outside before cheering on your favorite team is tradition, it’s still a good idea to review these tailgating safety tips ahead of the next game.

1. Store and Cook Food Properly

Whether you’re grilling hot dogs or serving steak, cook and store foods properly to help avoid food poisoning, cross-contamination or spoilage. Before you get to the game, store raw meat separately from ready-to-eat foods, like fruits and veggies, says Use a meat thermometer to make sure the foods you’re grilling are cooked to the proper temperature. Store and serve perishable foods, like guacamole or potato salad, in a cooler with plenty of ice or frozen gel packs, says Remember to wash hands after handling uncooked meat, and wipe down tables before serving your family and friends.

2. Use Your Grill Safely

Food hot off the grill is a good way to get the crowd cheering, but you need to exercise caution when grilling. First, be sure grills are allowed at the stadium or field, and understand the rules for grilling when it is allowed. For example, the University of Southern California prohibits grilling under tents, and grills must be at least 15 feet away from any structures.

A hot grill can be a fire hazard, so be prepared with a fire extinguisher. It’s also a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand. Keep the extinguisher nearby while grilling, and make sure children and pets are a safe distance from the grill at all times. And, never leave a grill unattended.

Whether you’re using a gas grill or prefer the flavor you get with a charcoal grill, follow these tips for using your grill safely.

Gas Grills

Before using a gas grill, check the hose for leaks by applying water with a little soap mixed in, says the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). You’ll see bubbles if the propane is leaking, and you should have the grill repaired by a professional. Always leave the lid open when you light the grill, says the NFPA. Also, if the flame goes out while you’re cooking, turn the grill off and wait 5 minutes before lighting it again.

Charcoal Grills

If your pregame routine involves firing up a charcoal grill with lighter fluid, make sure it is charcoal lighter fluid, says the NFPA — and never add lighter fluid once the fire has already started. Make sure you’ve put out all the embers and that the coals have cooled completely before you head off to the game, and dispose of ashes in a metal container, says the NFPA.

3. Protect Yourself From the Sun

Tailgating often means a long day in the sun. Even on cool days, it’s a good idea to help protect yourself from sunburn and dehydration. Be sure to apply (and reapply) sunscreen throughout the day. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also recommends wearing sunglasses and a hat. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

4. Tackle Your Trash

Leaving garbage on the ground or parking lot is not only irritating to other tailgaters, it can also be a potential hazard. Clean up your tailgating area before you head into the stadium. Be sure to pack heavy-duty trash bags before you leave home, says The Kitchn. Know where you can recycle cans, bottles and other recyclables, and have a way to safely pack up leftovers.

5. Protect Your Valuables

Tailgating has become high-tech in recent years — from satellite TVs to coolers with wireless speakers. While you’re at the venue watching the game, your gear could be at risk for theft. Purdue University recommends tailgaters lock valuables out of sight. Also, secure coolers, chairs, barbecue grills and other items.

Tailgating can be a great way to kick off a day of cheering for your favorite team with family and friends. Help keep the day fun with a game plan to protect yourself and your gear.

Originally published on January 1, 2013.

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Getting Your Car Ready for the School Year

By The Allstate Blog Team — August 22nd 2019 at 11:00

Back-to-school season can be a very busy time for students and parents alike. One item you may want to put on the to-do list is car maintenance. Whether you’re driving the kids back and forth to school or your college student is taking a car to campus, follow these tips to help get your car ready to go back to school.

Check Under the Hood

Keeping up with basic maintenance may help prevent potentially costly repairs down the road. Before school starts, either you or a mechanic should pop the hood to ensure fluids are at the correct levels. Popular Mechanics recommends checking fluid levels for the:

Top off fluids that are low and, if necessary, have any leaks fixed.

While you’re under the hood, it’s also a good time to check your car’s battery. Make sure the connections are tight, and clean any corrosion off the terminals with a battery brush, says Consumer Reports. If the battery is more than two years old, you may also want to have it tested to see how much charge is left. You can often have this done at an auto parts store or have your mechanic test it.

Check the Tires

Tires that are not inflated properly can negatively affect the car’s handling as well as the gas mileage, according to Before you start carting kids to and from school and activities again, check the tire pressure and look for uneven tread wear, nails or other potential hazards. Use a tire gauge to check the pressure on each tire, including the spare tire. If needed, inflate the tires to the vehicle manufacturer’s suggested pressure. This information is typically listed on a sticker inside the driver’s door and inside the owner’s manual, says You may also want to have your tires rotated to help prevent uneven wear.

Check the Lights

Your vehicle’s lights help you to see the road ahead and alert other drivers to your next move. So, it’s a good idea to do a visual inspection of your car’s lighting system, says the Humble Mechanic — even on newer cars, because the monitoring system doesn’t always include every light on the vehicle.

You can often tell if a turn signal light is out, because the indicator on the dashboard will typically flash quicker than usual if a bulb needs to be replaced, says the Humble Mechanic. To complete a full inspection, have someone walk around the car while you turn on the various lights, including headlights, fog lights, turn signals and emergency hazard lights. Since some vehicles use the same bulbs for multiple functions, the Humble Mechanic recommends checking each function separately instead of turning on all the lights at once.

Have the other person check the brake lights while you press the brake pedal. Also, keep your foot on the brake pedal and shift into reverse so he can see if the reverse lights are working properly.

After completing the inspection, be sure to replace any bulbs that are not working properly. If a light still doesn’t work after a bulb is changed, the Humble Mechanic says it could be a fuse, wiring or computer issue. Check with your local auto parts store or mechanic if you need assistance.

Taking a little time for basic car maintenance may help minimize maintenance issues and get your student on the road to what will hopefully be a fantastic school year. If you have any concerns after your own inspection, talk to a qualified mechanic who can help with any necessary repairs.

Originally published on August 24, 2011.

The post Getting Your Car Ready for the School Year appeared first on The Allstate Blog.

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Unusual Traffic Laws in the United States

By The Allstate Blog Team — August 13th 2019 at 11:00

From stopping at red lights to signaling when changing lanes, traffic laws help keep us, our passengers and other vehicles safe on the road. There are some local and state rules and regulations, however, that you may find surprising. Here are a few unique traffic laws you’ll find in the U.S.

Don’t Honk If You’re Thirsty

Stopping for a late night snack or a refreshing soda? Better not honk your horn, at least not while you’re in Little Rock, Arkansas. After 9 p.m. it’s against the law to sound your car horn at any place that sells cold drinks or sandwiches, according to Trip Savvy.

A Little Warning, Please

Utah drivers must signal at least two seconds before turning. If you’re driving in Utah, keep your eyes on the vehicles nearby. Also, think about starting that turn signal earlier to give the driver behind you a heads-up.

Shut Your Doors

You may find yourself in trouble if you leave your car doors open too long while you’re in Oregon. It is a traffic offense to leave a vehicle door open longer than it takes to load and unload passengers or cargo. You also need to avoid opening a car door unless it is “reasonably safe to do so.” While these regulations seem unusual, the intention is good — to help prevent an accident with passing traffic and to help protect pedestrians and bicyclists on the sidewalk.

Mountain Safety … In a State Without Mountains

Drivers in Nebraska are required to stay in the right-hand lane on mountain highways. They also must honk (or provide other audible warning) to alert other drivers within 200 feet of approaching a curved area with an obstructed view. The odd part of this law is that Nebraska doesn’t have any mountains, according to To be fair, Nebraska does have elevated, hilly areas where this law could help make driving safer.

Fuel Up

If you’re heading through Youngstown, Ohio, you may want to top off the gas tank. If you run out of gas within Youngstown’s “congested district,” you may be guilty of a misdemeanor. If it happens more than once within a year, the degree of misdemeanor charges will increase. Most likely this is a way of avoiding a traffic jam, but it’s definitely a unique law.

While some of these traffic laws may be a little unusual, it’s a good idea to mind your manners and follow the rules of the road. Wherever you’re driving, adhere to local traffic rules and make your trip a safe one.

Originally published on November 20, 2012.

The post Unusual Traffic Laws in the United States appeared first on The Allstate Blog.

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Keeping Resale Value in Mind When Buying a Car

By The Allstate Blog Team — August 13th 2019 at 11:00

If you’re in the market for a new car, you may be thinking about comfort, features and price. One thing you may also want to consider is the vehicle’s potential resale value. Here are a few things to keep in mind about your next car and its resale value.

Why Resale Value Matters

If you eventually plan to sell your car or trade it in when you buy a new vehicle, its resale value will be a big factor in how much money you can get for it, says

Also, if your car is totaled, your auto insurance provider would pay you the actual cash value of the car at the time of the accident (depending on your coverage). Actual cash value is determined using factors such as the typical resale value of the car at the time of the accident, previous damage and depreciation. So even if you don’t think you’ll be selling your car, you may want to consider how well it retains its value over time.

Consider What’s Popular states simple supply and demand come into play with resale value. Sometimes certain vehicles are more popular than others. For instance, you may like a smaller coupe or a family sedan, but maybe SUVs and trucks have been in higher demand for a few years. If you get a car that’s too niche or simply not in high demand, it may be harder to sell it in the future.

It may be helpful to do some research on websites like Kelley Blue Book (KBB) or Edmunds to get an idea of which makes and models consistently have high resale value, too.

Go for a Standard Color

Simply put, neutral colors are more likely to help boost your car’s resale value. Sticking to colors such as silver, white, gray and black tend to be a safe bet, according to KBB. If you buy a car that’s an unusual, such as green or purple, fewer people might be interested when you go to sell it in a few years.

Choose Automatic Transmission

Roughly 2 percent of new cars sold have a manual transmission, says CARFAX. Most drivers are looking for a car with an automatic transmission, so you may want to avoid purchasing a new car with a stick shift.

Maintaining the Resale Value of Your Car

car’s value drops about 20 percent in the first year of ownership, according to CARFAX. Here are a few things you can do to help maintain its resale value.

Mind the Mileage

If a car has either higher or lower mileage, it can affect its value, according to (CARFAX says around 10,000 miles per year is typical.) If a car has high mileage, it may not have as much life left as a similar car with lower mileage. However, notes that a car with very low mileage may have problems from not being driven regularly or indicate it wasn’t driven much due to problems. You may want to limit the miles you add to your vehicle so the resale value doesn’t drop, but also make sure you use it regularly to help avoid mechanical issues.

Keep Up with Maintenance

Routine maintenance and making repairs when necessary go a long way toward keeping a car in good shape. CARFAX states that routine oil changes and replacing worn out parts can help keep a car from depreciating in value. Similarly, says it’s also important to keep the car looking good — so make sure it’s fixed properly after an accident and that you keep the interior clean and fresh.

Keep the Warranty

Warranties often transfer over to the new buyer, says Auto Trader. If your vehicle still has a warranty, you may want to sell the car before the contract runs out. That’s something buyers may find appealing, and you may be able to get a little more money for a car with a warranty. Check with the warranty provider to be sure it will transfer, but it could be a good selling point if it does.

If you’re looking for a new car, you may want to consider its future resale value as you shop. Choosing a car that will appeal to buyers down the road and keeping it in good shape may help you get the most for it when you’re ready to sell or trade it in.

Originally published on August 25, 2015.

The post Keeping Resale Value in Mind When Buying a Car appeared first on The Allstate Blog.
