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使用 XL2 快速测量频率响应

By Will Liu — October 2nd 2019 at 09:16

如果您想测量扬声器等音频器件的频率响应,但又不想总是等低频稳定后才开始测量,那 MR-PRO 和 XL2 二人组为您提供了创造性的解决方案。

这个方案使用 MR-PRO 提供的两个全新测试信号和 XL2 的全新测量功能。两个信号包含 1 秒和 4 秒循环播放的粉噪声,通过它们,XL2 能实时快速计算稳定的测量结果。

实现这一功能的关键在于测试信号的设计。粉噪声经过塑形,能分别在 1 秒和 4 秒内得到平坦的频率响应。这一特性让 XL2 分析仪可以在数秒内以 1/12 倍频程分辨率精确测量频率响应。


使用这个极为便利的方法的唯一前提就是下载 NTi Audio 的专用测试信号“Fastpnk1”或“Fastpnk4”[1],并在 XL2 分析仪中添加对应测量功能。该功能需 XL2 安装不低于 V4.30 的固件以及频谱公差选件。

[1]测试信号受版权保护,仅限于和 XL2 分析仪配合使用


了解更多关于 XL2 声级计

了解更多关于 MR-PRO/MR2 信号发生器

Der Beitrag 使用 XL2 快速测量频率响应 erschien zuerst auf NTi Audio.

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数字 MEMS 麦克风的品质控制

By Will Liu — September 26th 2019 at 09:05

随着语音识别和控制等应用的广泛普及,数字 MEMS 麦克风在通信,娱乐,移动设备,医疗和家用电器等领域扮演着越来越重要的角色。通常来说,应用中会将多支 MEMS 麦克风组成阵列安装在设备内,以实现如定向识别或噪声抑制等功能。NTi Audio 的麦克风测试系统可以快速可靠地测量单支 MEMS 麦克风和阵列的品质。

麦克风测试系统的核心是 FX100 音频分析仪。它通过 MEMS 麦克风切换盒与数字 MEMS 麦克风连接。最多可评估 8 支 MEMS 麦克风,且可设置时钟频率和操作电平。参考扬声器和量测麦克风确保了测试精度和可重复性。

示意图:数字 MEMS 麦克风测试系统

Nti  Audio 的 RT-Mic 控制软件奖处理所有任务,可视化显示结果并将其与良品对比。典型测试参数有灵敏度,频率响应,失真和信噪比等。整个麦克风模块和单个麦克风息息相关。

含 6 支数字 MEMS 麦克风的阵列测量结果

了解更多关于数字 MEMS 麦克风测量的流程,方法和技术挑战。



Der Beitrag 数字 MEMS 麦克风的品质控制 erschien zuerst auf NTi Audio.

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NTi Audio 用户线下交流会圆满落幕

By Will Liu — September 5th 2019 at 02:21

2019年8月28日星期三,NTi Audio 在美丽的中国苏州举行了 2019 年度用户线下交流会。来自大中华区的 NTi Audio 忠实粉丝们齐聚一堂,一同分享和讨论音频与声学测量的实践经验。NTi Audio 用户交流会致力于打造一个全新平台,让用户不仅可以互相学习,还可以展示自己的服务与产品。每个人都是参与者和分享者。

除了来自 NTi Audio 总部的 Gregor Schmidle先生,我们还邀请了清华大学建筑物理实验室高级工程师王鹏先生,及镇江市建设工程质量检测中心有限公司的华实先生。他们无私地向与会者分享了多年积累的实践经验和最新研究成果,并耐心解答了现场观众的提问。


随着 5G 的发展,各种智能设备越来越多的出现在人们的日常生活中,要保证这些设备与用户的交互体验,就必须验证其麦克风和扬声器的性能。Gregor 先生为大家介绍了测试这些智能设备的基本逻辑,并现场演示了自动化测试流程。NTi Audio 高效的测试方案令人印象深刻。

王鹏先生的演讲贴近实际,他总结了自己工作多年的经典案例,将现场测试中遇到的难题和趣闻分享给与会者。他还介绍了2022 年北京冬奥会水立方场馆的改造近况,并称赞 NTi Audio 的设备在其中发挥了巨大作用。王老师的毫无保留让人受益匪浅,现场的许多用户表示,这些经验可以让自己在今后的工作中少走许多弯路。

接下来分享的主题还包括如何快速测量混响时间 RT60 和建筑隔声,如何在研发和生产中对 MEMS 麦克风阵列进行专业测量。最后压轴的华实先生介绍了自己关于建筑楼板隔声性能的研究,他的演讲结合了理论和实际,内容详实,通过大量数据和现场调研,提供了建筑楼板隔声的新思路。

最后的用户交流环节,大家在轻松的氛围中互相探讨,NTi Audio 的工程师也为与会者提供了现场咨询和技术支持服务。一位用户兴奋的表示,“这样的会议更加贴近用户需求,我们不用像上课一样学习枯燥的理论,却了解了音频与声学测量的基本逻辑和实践中的诸多误区,希望今后还有更多机会以这种方式和老朋友们见面!”

Der Beitrag NTi Audio 用户线下交流会圆满落幕 erschien zuerst auf NTi Audio.

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By Will Liu — August 30th 2019 at 03:12

一间厅堂的声学特性必须能满足其用途。比如,在教室中,较短的混响时间有利于语言清晰度,而对于演奏钢琴奏鸣曲的音乐厅,稍长一些的混响时间才有利于音效。这一切都说明了合理控制混响时间的重要意义。来自 NTi Audio 的全新软件“室内声学报告软件”,配合 DS3 十二面体扬声器和 XL2 声级计,组成了全面分析和优化混响时间 RT60 的领先解决方案。

混响时间是一间厅堂最重要的声学参数之一。房间的设计用途决定了其所需的混响时间大小。对于一间教室,根据教室大小不同,混响时间应在 0.5 秒至 1 秒之间以便学生都能听清。但现实中往往不是这样,尤其对历史较长的学校更是如此,因为他们通常都缺少吸声材料。对于音乐厅,2 至 3 秒的混响时间则能创造出温暖且丰富的听感。

强大的 DS3 声源

进行符合标准的混响时间测量时,需要使用全指向性声源。声音能量必须能在各个方向均匀扩散。现行标准还要求其在相关频带具备平坦的频谱。DS3 十二面体扬声器在发出足够声功率的同时,还能完全满足这些要求,因此,它是混响时间测量的理想信号源。

使用 XL2 测量混响时间

XL2 可以在 63 Hz 至 8000 Hz 上测量混响时间。许多吸声材料制造商都以倍频程分辨率标注材料属性,XL2 默认支持 1/1 倍频程。若需要测量 1/3 倍频程混响,则可以安装“扩展声学包”选件。XL2 可自动被脉冲声或闸控粉噪声触发。测量时,还可以选择 T20 或 T30 方法,两种方法对声压级衰减的要求不同。


室内声学报告软件专用于混响时间的分析和报告。RT60 测量结果可以随时和框限对比,框限可根据空间大小和房间设计目的决定,很多标准,如 DIN 18041 等都有明确说明。如果测量结果超出框限,软件可以模拟添加吸声材料后的混响情况。修正的混响时间经赛宾公式计算后会实时显示在结果图表中。这就大大简化了吸声材料的选择和安装过程。


为了进行混响时间的模拟计算,您可以下载和导入多家制造商的吸声材料系数 α。吸声材料数据会持续更新。当然,您也可以自己编辑数据并导入。


室内声学报告软件可以安装在任意计算机上。同时,需要在 XL2 中永久安装“室内声学”选件或选择更经济的年度订阅方案“室内声学报告 365”。软件内置示例数据,以便参考和评估。

室内声学报告软件需要 XL2 固件版本不低于 V4.20。如果您使用的是型式认证声级计 XL2-TA,请和我们联系以便使用该软件。1/3 倍频程分辨率混响时间的测量需要安装扩展声学包选件。


更多关于 DS3 十二面体扬声器
更多关于 XL2 声级计


Der Beitrag 室内声学优化新方法 erschien zuerst auf NTi Audio.

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The World’s Biggest SUV

By arbel — May 15th 2016 at 00:28

biggest suv

There are many reasons why some people choose to purchase an SUV. One of those reasons is for more space. When you need a lot of space for whatever your needs, you might consider the SportChassis P4XL. It’s the largest and best luxury sports utility vehicle available on the market today.

If you love the look and feel of the Hummer, but you don’t want to buy a Hummer, you may really want this alternative. The SportChassis P4XL is big, big, big. It has a 174-in wheelbase, 264-inch width from front to back, four 425/65R 22.5-in tires available in the off road package. It has a powerful 5-speed engine that takes you anywhere you need to go. The OEM four-wheel drive gives you power when and where you need it.

There are a variety of colors available, as well as a beautiful, luxury interior that has all the luxury features you want. The five-person seating means you can even bring your friends along wherever you go. There’s even a reclining rear sofa seat so they can travel along with you in style.

It also has some great upgradable options like the SportChassis seat cover set. Check it out for yourself and see why they SportChassis P4XL is the world’s biggest SUV and why it is also the best.

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The World’s Most Expensive SUV

By arbel — May 15th 2016 at 00:19


Are you looking for a new SUV? If you have deep pockets, you might want to check out this Bentley. The 2017 Bentley Bentayga is the world’s most expensive SUV. This front-engine, 4-wheel-drive, 4 or 5 passenger, 4-door hatchback. The twin-turbocharged engine is powerful, the 8-speed automatic transmission has manual shifting mode and it goes very, very fast.

It starts at $229,1000 and the price can go up, based on the features you add. The 2017 Bentley Bentayga has a curb weight of 5,340 and 600 HP, a 6.0 L, V12 engine and it comes standard with a 3-year unlimited basic warranty. It boasts top records in performance and can go from zero to 60 in 4 seconds. It can go up to 187 miles per hour.

The W12 First Edition version starts at $297,400. You can expect the interior and exterior are going to look fantastic and there will be many great features for comfort and style. So now you can see why this is the world’s most expensive SUV. What do you think?

✇ SUV Cars Blog

2015 BMW SUV X3

By arbel — August 20th 2014 at 21:50

The 2015 BMW X3 is here and it really is the ultimate driving machine. Test drive this high-tech truck and see what it feels like to ride in a high-performance vehicle it took 99 years of German automotive experience to build.

The Total Package

BMW has always made superior automobiles, but with the 2015 X3 SUV they’ve taken it to another level. It’s not simply the 8-speed shiftable automatic transmission, the superior handling, the boatload of safety features, or all the technology. It’s how BMW has put it all together in the 2015 X3 SUV.

The Basics

Not only does it come with a 4-year 50,000 mile basic warranty, seats 5 comfortably, and gets a respectable 21 mpg in the city and 28 mpg out on the open road. The vehicle comes in a rainbow of colors including Mineral Silver or white, Alpine White, Carbon Black, Black Sapphire, Deep Sea Blue, Glacier Silver, Jet Black, Melbourne Red, Space Gray, and Sparkling Brown all with metallic finishes. BMW deserves extra credit for expanding people’s color palette.

Richly Colored Upholstery

The 2015 X3 comes with premium leather or leatherette interiors in color combinations like Beige, Black Nevada w/Gray Contrast Stitching, Black, Ivory White Nevada w/Red Contrast Stitching, Mocha Nevada w/Orange Contrast Stitching, Oyster Nevada, Saddle Brown Nevada, and Sand Beige Nevada. This allows buyers to add a certain je no se qua to their SUV and display their unique style and taste.

Lots Of Room

The 2015 BMW X3 is a spacious 15 feet, 3.4 inches long, 6 feet 2.1 inches wide, and 5 feet 6.1 inches tall with a 9 foot 2.6 inch wheel base. That creates over 40.7 inches in front headroom, 39.9 inches of front leg room, and 58.4 inches of front shoulder room. The back offers a comfortable 39.1 inches of headroom, 36.8 inches of leg room, and 57.4 inches of shoulder room. With all the seats in place it has 27.6 cubic feet of storage space. It’s available in gas and diesel models with a fuel tank capacity of 17.7 gallons. That allows for 371.7/495.6 mi. between stops for fuel.

The Power Source

The 2015 BMW X3 is powered by a 2.0 liter, 16 valve, double-overhead cam, inline 4-cylinder, 240 horsepower engine with 260 feet-pounds of torque. It’s paired with an 8-speed shiftable automatic transmission. This enables the SUV to tow up to 3,000 pounds. Add All-Wheel drive, a 39 foot turning circle, MacPherson strut front suspension, multi-link rear suspension, four-wheel independent suspension, and front and rear stabilizer bars and you have a nimble, go-anywhere beast that is both good-looking and powerful enough the haul just about anything the average family can hitch to it. Plus it comes with a 4 years or 50,000 mile drivetrain warranty and free maintenance for 4 years and up to 50,000 miles.

Power Everything

On the inside, there are 8-way power, height adjustable driver and passenger bucket seats, split-folding rear seatback, a folding center armrest with storage, and rear ventilation ducts. It also comes equipped with remote keyless power door locks, power, heated mirrors, and 4 one-touch power windows. The instrument panel lets drivers monitor all of the vehicle’s systems. There’s even a tachometer, trip computer, external temperature display, and low fuel-level warning.

Everything A Driver Needs

For the driver’s convenience, there is electric power steering, a leather tilt and telescopic steering wheel, audio and cruise controls on the steering wheel, hands-free calling, universal remote transmitter for the garage door, security system, and more. If you’re not sure where you’re going, there’s destination guidance and turn-by-turn navigation. Getting where you’re going has never been easier. And if anything happens on the way, there’s roadside assistance and concierge service.

Let There Be Air And Light

The vehicle also comes with loads of creature comforts like interior air filtration,
dual zone climate controls for the driver and passengers, cargo area light, front and rear reading lights, rear cargo floor mats, electrochromatic inside rearview mirror, dual illuminating vanity mirrors, and memorized audio system and climate control settings for up to 2 drivers.

Endless High-Tech Entertainment

When it comes to in-car entertainment there is a diversity antenna, 12 speakers, 205 watts stereo output, AM/FM stereo, auxiliary audio input and USB connections, external media control and a radio data system. The 2015 BMW X3 is also pre-wired for phones and has BMW Assist telecommunications service, and Bluetooth wireless data link for hands-free calling all available with a subscription to BMW Assist.

Making Things Easy

Even on the outside this SUV is a high-tech machine. It has variable intermittent rain sensing wipers, privacy glass, rear defogger, rear window wiper, roof rack, and rear spoiler. It also features a fixed liftgate window, and a rear power liftgate door. These are carried along on 18 x 8.0 in. alloy wheels with 245/50R18 run flat tires.

Safety First

When it comes to safety this BMW takes good care of its occupants. There are front and rear head airbags, dual front side-mounted airbags, child seat anchors,
passenger airbag with occupant sensing deactivation, rear center 3-point seatbelt, front seatbelt pre-tensioners, a post-collision safety system, passenger head restraint with whiplash protection system, airbag deployment notification, and rear door child safety locks.

Stopping’s A Breeze

BMW also makes sure the vehicle can stop safely. The 2015 X3 has 4-wheel ABS, emergency braking assist, front and rear ventilated disc brakes, stability control, traction control, electronic brakeforce distribution, emergency braking preparation, brake drying, side and top view cameras, and parking assistant.

All Kinds Of Options

The vehicle also comes with loads of option packages including driver assistance plus, cold weather, lighting, dynamic handling, driver assistance, premium, and technology packages, along with M Sport and XLine. The exterior options include roof rails in satin aluminum, panoramic moon-roof, adaptive full LED lights, and 19″ or 20″ M Double Spoke Wheels, or 19″ Light Alloy Double-Spoke Wheels.

The 2015 BMW X3 is the ideal family vehicle for the new millennium.

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Best SUV Under $30,000

By arbel — June 28th 2014 at 18:41

Are you in the market for a high quality sports utility vehicle, but worried that you cannot find one that meets your budget? Do not despair. There are plenty of SUVs on the market today that are both priced under $30,000 and perform well. Moreover, this article will help guide your search by presenting you with four of the best SUVS currently out on the market that sell for less than $30,000. Whether you are looking for a larger SUV or want a vehicle with a sporty look, this guide provides you with an option that will fit your style or preferences. With no further ado, below is a presentation of four of the best SUVs on the market that are under $30,000.

1. Best Standard Compact SUV – Buick Encore

This Buick provides its owners with an upscale feel at a budget price. While this vehicle has a variety of terrific qualities, what stands out most is its luxurious interior that appears to be fit for an SUV sold at double its price. That interior, matched with a timeless and classy exterior and a plethora of features that come standard gives it a top grade in terms of aesthetic appeal and comfort. For more environmentally friendly or frugal consumers, it should be noted that this vehicle gets 33 highway miles per gallon, giving it a far better fuel economy than most other SUVs. As for cons related to this vehicle, its engine leaves much to be desired in terms of raw power, and its cargo-hold may be a bit small for some potential SUV owners.

2. Best Midsize SUV – Dodge Durango

The Dodge Durango provides size, style and performance at a significantly lower price than most of its serious competitors. Its standard V6 engine offers its owners the power that many of the more affordable SUVs lack. For potential SUV owners who have large families or large carpools, this three-row SUV may be a perfect fit. When it comes to the Durango’s shortcomings, it only has modest carriage space for a vehicle of its size and is average with regards to fuel efficiency.

3. Best Hybrid SUV – Subaru XV Crosstrek Hybrid

While this SUV hybrid is not substantially more fuel efficient than non-hybrid SUVs in terms of highway miles (33 miles per gallon), it offers its drivers terrific fuel efficiency on city roads (29 miles per gallon). Moreover, the fuel efficiency afforded to its drivers does not come at the expense of the vehicle’s style or comfort. Overall, the XV Crosstrek Hybrid is a great option for anyone who is looking for a stylish hybrid SUV that comes equipped with many standard features and has a great looking interior. The only real downside to this vehicle is that its carriage is fairly undersized.

4. Best Sporty SUV – Mazda CX-5

The Mazda CX-5 is the perfect SUV for an individual looking for a stylish and sporty low-cost SUV. It is fairly fuel efficient (35 highway miles per gallon) and comfortable to drive, yet has an edge seldom seen in this class of SUV. If you are looking for a vehicle that is at least adequate in essentially all respects, yet possesses more flash than most other budget SUVs, the Mazda CX-5 should be at the top of your list of potential vehicles.

Although none of these options would leave you disappointed, there are plenty of SUV options out there if the cars above do not meet your particular preferences. Nevertheless, you would be well advised to strongly consider the vehicles noted above. Customers, critics and experts all agree that these vehicles provide their drivers with extraordinary experiences at a significantly lower price tag than many of their competitors. No matter which SUV you end up choosing, make sure to do your research beforehand.

✇ SUV Cars Blog

Best SUV Under $25,000

By arbel — June 6th 2014 at 23:35

An SUV is the perfect family vehicle. Many people gave up on the larger and inefficient vans and prefer the SUV or crossover’s looks and ride. While these vehicles have complete luxury and ample room for the kids, they also have big price tags. There are a few SUV’s on the market, however, that doesn’t break the bank and offer plenty of amenities too. By shopping around, it is possible to get a great family vehicle and a payment that is affordable. Here are some wonderful SUV’s that are all around $25,000 or less.

Honda CR-V

When you say Honda, most people think about the dependability, and this auto maker’s reputation that has stood the test of time. The Honda CR-V is an economically priced, smaller SUV that is one of Honda’s best utility automobiles. Introduced in 1995, the manufacture is still rolling these cars off the line as fast as they can sell them. With a starting price of $22,945 and gas mileage of 23 in the city and 31 on the highway, it’s a bargain. This car is perfect for a family of four or under, and has a nice cargo area and plenty of upgrade options. Ranked #1 in inexpensive compact SUV’s, Honda did a spectacular job with this beauty.

Ford Escape

When Ford first introduced the Explorer back in 1990, it started the SUV revolution. However, Explorer is known to be a gas hog and it is quite pricey for some families. The answer to this problem is the Escape. Ford began making this compact crossover in 2000. The new models have Flex-Fuel, which offers vast gas mileage savings. This vehicle ranks #7 in the most economical SUV’s and has nice add ons, like the hands-free lift gate. Starting price at $23,100 with gas mileage of 23 mpg in the city and 32 on the highway, the Escape is a great option for the spend-thrifty family.

Jeep Cherokee

Jeep is another name that people equate with quality and dependability. The Cherokee rolled off the lines in 1984. There are many trim packages available on this sports utility vehicle, so this does affect the price quite a bit. Once called the Jeep Waggoner, this car has had major transformations over the past three decades. First created for government and police use, their unique nature caught on and sales skyrocketed. With models like the Laredo, Grand, Briarwood and Classic, there is a great selection. The new 2014 models are priced at $22,995. With an excellent 4×4 package, this vehicle is made to tow boats and campers and for off-road fun. Gas mileage is 22 mpg in the city and 31 on the highway. Jeep is a part of the Chrysler Corporation, and they are known to be a quality SUV for the family.

Toyota Rav-4

They are compact and cute, but still considered an SUV. The Rav-4 was introduced in 1994 to rave reviews. This car was the answer to the prayers of those who couldn’t afford the larger ones, and really didn’t need the extra gas mileage. The Rav-4 is a smaller, more compact SUV, but it still has enough room to comfortably seat four. This car offered consumers what they wanted, four wheel drive, more cargo space and the fuel economy of a smaller vehicle. Some say that this small wonder paved the way for other compact SUV’s, like the Ford Escape and the Subaru Forester. The base price on this vehicle is $23,550. The average gas mileage is 24 mpg in the city and 31 on the highway. The Rav handles more like a car than most SUV’s, thus making it a great contender in the affordable category.

Kia Sorento

When Kia first started marketing vehicles in the US, some people were more than skeptical. Much has improved since the first cars rolled onto the lots. In 2002, Kia introduced the Sorento. While sales were a bit stagnate at first, new and improved body styles increased options and eventually sales. The third generation rolled out this year with a 3.3-liter GDI V6 engine. A bold choice of colors, and the Nappa leather trimmed seats, gave customers many luxurious choices. With standard front wheel drive and four wheel drive options, this mid-size crossover can compete with more expensive vehicles with ease. Price at $24,100, this auto gets 20 mpg in the city and 26 on the highway.

Subaru Forester

The first Subaru Foresters were cars that had eerie similarities to a station wagon. However, that was back in 1997 and the new 2014 models have expanded to quite an impressive crossover. These cars were always popular in areas where there was plenty of snow, like West Virginia. Part of the attraction was the all-wheel drive. They pretty much had the market on the all-wheel drive category for a car. Japanese made, these crossovers have a unique look and an excellent starting price at only $21,995. Subaru has some pretty expensive vehicles, but this one is surprisingly affordable. With gas mileage of 24 mpg in the city and 32 on the freeway, it gets good marks for affordability all the way around. There are eight trim packages available in all, and this car seems to still have a strong following in rural communities.

Nissan Rogue

Introduced in 2007, the Nissan Rogue is not a crossover that got a great deal of attention until now. However, it has some pretty great features and a great price point starting at $23,650. Average fuel costs are 25 mpg in the city and 33 on the highway. It was a top pick for safety in crash test ratings, which makes it a great option for families. An amazing 70.0 cu. ft. of cargo space is not too bad either. The 2014 model was voted the fifth most popular SUV in the country. With four trim levels, and a sporty look that is unique to other vehicles in this class, this one stands out from the rest.

✇ SUV Cars Blog

Best SUV To Lease

By arbel — June 1st 2014 at 18:57

Looking to lease an SUV that combines performance, style, and safety? Then you want the 2014 BMW X5. When it comes to handling, nothing comes close. This third generation SUV truly is the ultimate driving machine. Whether you’re navigating city traffic, cruising down the highway or wending your way over hill and dale, the BMW X5 is the perfect vehicle to do it in. It has enough room for family, friends, and all your stuff, and enough power to quickly reach your destination.

Tons of Power

The 2014 BMW X5 has all the power any SUV driver needs, especially if they opt for the X5 with xDrive501. The 445-hp, 4.4-liter twin-turbo V-8 engine can take this intriguing 2.5-plus-ton SUV from a standing start to 60 mph in 4.3 seconds. An amazing feat. It’s also a blast to put this vehicle through its paces. For those who don’t want to shell out the additional $13k plus for the xDrive501 package, the X5 with xDrive35i with its 300 horsepower turbocharged inline-six delivers an eyebrow-raising 300 lb-ft of torque. More than enough to get you where you want to go in a hurry.

Good Gas Mileage

The powerful BMW X5 also gets decent gas mileage no matter which model you choose. The X5 50i gets an EPA estimated 14 mpg in the city and a respectable 22 mpg when cruising on the highway. The BMW X5 35i gets even better millage. According to the EPA, the 35i averages 17mpg in the city and 27 mpg on the highway. That’s excellent for a vehicle with its size and power. Plus it’s quiet and smooth. Its boosted 3.0 liter engine delivers near instant throttle response and its 8-speed automatic transmission takes full advantage of it whether passing slower vehicles or simply zipping along.

Superior Handling

When you add electronic power steering augmented by the new BMW active steering feature, the vehicle handles like a dream. This is definitely a driver’s automobile. The power steering system allows drivers to feel the road, yet control the vehicle with ease. It also lets drivers experience the agility of this beautiful beast. In fact it’s the way this BMW handles that often makes buyers hurry up and sign on the dotted line. They can’t wait to put the X5 on the road and enjoy it out in the real world whether whipping into a parking space or weaving through traffic.

Comfortable Interior

The interior of the new BMW X5 is wonderful. Its heated leather seats not only feel good, they provide superior back support. Plus the seats adjust every which way and are sure to make both driver and passengers so comfortable they can ride all day. In this third generation X5 BMW has employed high-quality sound-absorbing materials that keeps the interior so quiet you barely need to talk above a whisper to be heard even at top speed. The dark colored décor makes grass, grease, and mud disappear in this Sports Activity Vehicle as BMW calls it.

Roomy Interior

There’s lots of room inside the X5 for people and things. The second row seats can move forward and back and fold flat to increase the cargo space. It has plenty of room to put luggage, camping gear, balls, bats, and pads for those with sport’s enthusiasts in their family. It roomy rear and power operated lift gate makes stacking the groceries a breeze when you have been out shopping alone. There is ample leg room so even tall, lanky, athletes can kick back and relax whether they are sitting in the front or the back. It’s the perfect vehicle for crusing with family and friends.

The Latest Technology

With the 2014 X5, BMW has not skimped when it comes to technology. From the tilting and telescoping steering column to the easy to see 10.2 inch navigational screen, it’s obvious BMW designed this vehicle with the passenger in mind. There’s an easy to use touch pad with Buttons that control all the basic functions, plus USB connectivity, a sweet audio system, Bluetooth and smartphone integration, power sunroof, and a host of active and passive safety features. All of this is in addition to BMW’s iDrive system. The interior also employs ergonomic elements to keep occupant safe and comfortable.

Great special Packages

Besides offering all-wheel drive and Active Steer on all models, BMW also has a number of special packages leasers can add to their vehicles for a modest fee. The Driver Assistance package has a rearview camera and head-up display. The Driver Assistance Plus includes active drive assist, cruise control, blind-spot detection, and 360-degree surround view. The Luxury Line package contains roof rails, sport steering wheel, and 19-inch wheels. Purchase the Lighting package and you get automatic high beams and full LED lights.

Versatility and Style

There is also a Cold Weather package which boasts a heated steering wheel and rear seats along with retractable headlight washers. If you select the Premium package you get satellite radio, auto door closures, and keyless entry. There are also a host of other goodies just waiting to be discovered as you explore the world in your new 2014 BMW X5. Its flexibility and styling make it perfect for taking Cinderella to the ball or hanging with the guys at the ballgame.

A Boatload of Changes and Options

Heading into dangerous territory? Take the BMW X5 Security. Built to meet the VR4 ballistic protection level, it even has an intercom which lets you talk to those outside your X5 without rolling down your window, and the power and speed to get you out of there quickly. The 2014 BMW X5’s third generation SUV is lighter and has added a rear-drive model. Their diesel model will be released in the U.S. soon.

There are lots of reasons to lease the 2014 BMW X5. When you consider its new aerodynamic body, eight-speed automatic transmission, adjustable suspension modes, enhanced dampers, active anti-roll system, and advanced telematics, and leasing it looks like a brilliant move.

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The Best SUV of 2014: A Buyer’s Guide

By arbel — May 23rd 2014 at 10:43

SUV’s have been around for years, catering to both men on a job site on Monday afternoon as well as soccer moms on a Saturday morning. It is no secret to their success: they offer large capacity seating and storage, are enclosed to protect objects and occupants, and quite frankly, look a lot better than a minivan. The question is, which one is right for you? With so many different makes and models available, it is very easy to get lost in details and end up with a decision you regret later on. This guide’s purpose is to help you avoid such a fate, with descriptions and details of the top SUV models out. With the proper knowledge of the top options, choosing the best SUV of 2014 should be reduced to an easy task for those in the market to buy.

What qualities should you be looking for?

Top SUV’s are rated according to three specific attributes: The quality of the manufacturer’s model, the reliability of the vehicle to sustain years on the road, and the resale value it maintains after it becomes a used car. If an SUV can meet your needs in each of these categories, it is one you can purchase confidently.

The Budget Minded

One quality option for those looking to purchase an SUV is the 2014 Toyota Rav 4. Toyota is well established as a quality, yet affordable auto maker with an excellent track record for satisfying its customers. The 2014 Rav 4 is no different. With a starting price in the mid $20,000 range and 29 mpg highway, the Rav 4 offers affordability both off the lot as well as down the road. Toyota brings the Rav 4 along a classy, stylish interior with leather style seating and push button start to exude luxury. As a 4 cylinder engine, you won’t be towing cruise ships anytime soon, but the majority of people will never come close. Crash testing has proven the Rav 4 to be an extremely safe vehicle, and Toyota is well known to produce quality products that often outlast the competition. On the downside, the Rav 4 is certainly not the most spacious vehicle, being classified as a “Compact Crossover” SUV. This leads to less capacity, and less overall “Utility” usage of the Sports Utility Vehicle package. Despite these drawbacks, the Rav 4 retains tremendous resale value; as all Toyota vehicles are known to do. For the budget minded SUV customer, the Rav 4 might be the way to go – but it is not the best.

More Bang For Your Buck

If we look a little bit higher on the SUV option list, we would find the incredibly versatile and reliable 2014 Nissan Murano S SUV. At a price range entering the mid $30,000 level, the Murano comes with a higher budget. With that, however, comes great reward. Sporting a powerful V6 engine, rear-view camera and even a blind spot notification system, the Murano steps up the game in terms of power and applicability. An excellent navigation system, many packages for towing and cargo, and even a highway mpg in the mid 20’s, Nissan offers an excellent option that can easily perform any duty an SUV could be called on to do. Nissan is known for its reliability, making the vehicle reliable years down the road with standard maintenance. If there is a downside, it is that Nissan vehicles tend to not retain resale value as well as some of their counterparts, as their name is only recently being considered in the more reliable and quality category of car makers. Despite this, it is hard to argue against the Nissan Murano being an excellent SUV to own, and one that will serve you well for years to come. But there is one SUV that stands above it, and it really shouldn’t surprise too many people.

Good, Better… Best

When you think of excellent quality, reliability, resale value and even luxury, Mercedes-Benz has to be the complete picture of all that realized. With a lengthy history of quality car making in the rear-view, a dedication to perfection, and now a dedication to make such quality affordable, it is a no-brainer that Mercedes-Benz makes it to the top of the list. Starting in the mid $30,000 range and approaching 30 mpg highway, the Mercedes-Benz GLK seeks to solve every question your car search has produced. Running a strong V6 engine with a smooth, 7 speed automatic transmission, the GLK has power to walk hand in hand with top of the line luxury and economy. You know you have as reliable a vehicle you could ever dream of with a Mercedes, and lets be honest – it looks flat out stunning. As imagined, resale value is excellent, as its top of the line brand name carries quite a bit of weight in the automobile universe.

Though slightly pricier than the previous SUV’s discussed, the GLX remains affordable; quite a feat considering what you are getting for your money. The GLX is a top of the line SUV, and all it takes is a test drive to make the transition from considering to sold. The Best SUV of 2014 takes the crown with strength, style, luxury and economy; making it truly the SUV to be envied in its class.

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Best Rated SUV 2014

By arbel — May 22nd 2014 at 18:25

It wasn’t long ago that SUV’s were a small portion of the new car market. Today with better handling and ride more people are turning to them as the choice for their family car. Of course, SUV’s are not confined to just families as it seems everyone wants to get one.

When considering the best rated SUV of 2014 the choice is not black and white due to the three different size categories. With that in mind this article will compare apples to apples so to speak which should give everyone researching SUV’s a good point of reference for their research.

Besides the size category price is a consideration. Comparing a Mercedes to a Kia will not provide the information you need if you can only afford to purchase a Kia. Separating the SUV’s with an affordable label verses a luxury label will narrow down your search.

Affordable Compact SUV’s

This is the fastest growing class of SUV’s and is gaining popularity with just about every segment of the population. These small vehicles are big on the interior and family friendly. The affordable price range is under $30,000.
1) Honda CR-V. The CR-V has been popular since its introduction and leads the field here. Plenty of room on the interior and lots of standard features to go with Honda quality.

2) Buick Encore. Buick’s compact entrant is classy and good looking. It comes with loads of features standard and an interior to be proud of. The engine is a bit under powered but it is not meant for off road driving.

3) Mazda CX-5. The CX-5 is the fuel efficiency leader of the group and makes it a good choice for that reason. The Mazda also has excellent handling that makes it a safe choice as well.

Affordable Luxury SUV’s

Luxury compact SUV’s start at $30,000 and includes the manufacturers you would expect. Top level interiors and increased engine performance are big bonuses in this category,
1) Infiniti QX50. This Infinity has great road handling ability and a powerful motor. The interior is in line with Infinity’s high standards but is considered by some to be undersized.

2) Audi Q5. The Q5 is German engineering at its best. Agile handling to go with a nicely powered engine makes the Audi a good choice. Standard luxury interior make for enjoyable drives through the countryside.

3)BMW X3. The X3 has one of the roomiest interiors in this class and is a leader in fuel efficiency. More than enough power from the engine is balanced by the nimble handling.

Affordable Midsize SUV’s

With a starting price range of below $40,000 this group of SUV’s has maintained a good portion of the market share.
1)Buick Enclave. Buick gets the nod in this category also. The Enclave has refined interior features and superior agility on the road. Add in high safety scores for the win.

2) Hyundai Santa Fe. Hyundai sneaks in at number two with the most affordable of all the choices. Nice ride, loaded with standard features, and a great warranty makes this a good choice.

3) Jeep Grand Cherokee. The Grand Cherokee is the only real off road winner in this category. A roomy comfortable interior helps balance the rough ride common with Jeeps.

Luxury Midsize SUV’s

This groups price starts at $40,000 but well equipped models can go for $65,000 or more.
1) Acura MDX. The MDX is an Acura through and through. Great handling, seven seat comfort, and excellent fuel economy for the class brings this SUV to the top of the class.

2)Lexus RX 350. If the RX 350 doesn’t have it you probably don’t need it. Spacious interior, especially the backseats, and highest rated dependability are two good reasons to choose this Lexus

3)BMW X5. This X5 was redesigned for this model year and the improvements are notable. Agile driving ability, elegant and stylish interior plus a wide choice of powerful engine options.

Affordable Large SUV’s

With a starting price of $55,000 these are where SUV’s began. Seeing the two most notable models in the top three should come as no surprise.
1) Chevrolet Tahoe. No surprise here. The Tahoe just keeps getting better and more driver friendly. Great power train and comfortable interior.

2)Toyota Sequoia. The Sequoia sneaks in between the big two with a spacious interior for hauling lots of family members and a smooth ride.

3)Chevrolet Suburban. This is the last model of this design and is an excellent choice for families. Plenty of room and power for vacations and trips to the soccer field.

Luxury Large SUV’s

For the families where luxury is paramount and money is a small consideration these SUV’s start at $55,000 and can top $100,000.
1)Mercedes-Benz GL-Class. The GL-Class sports a strong diesel engine and a refined interior. This SUV has everything you want.

2)Lexus LX 570. Lexus is a leader in the SUV category and this model is one of the main reasons. Elegant interior, smooth ride, and actual off road capabilities make this one of the very best.

3) Toyota Land Cruiser. Toyota may be showing that it wants a part of the luxury market with this model. At $75,000 it is near the top starting price of the bunch. The Land Cruiser was built for off road driving but has interior comfort and ride to make it family friendly.

Hybrid Suv’s

The best rated SUV’s would not be complete without mentioning Hybrids.
1)Lexus RX 450h, As you would expect the 450h has great fuel economy. Combine that with a spacious interior and great reliability for the top choice here.

2) Volkswagen Touareg Hybrid. The Touareg has great reviews which puts it at number two. The lofty price puts it out of the range of many buyers.

3) Subaru XV Crosstrek Hybrid. Subaru’s all wheel drive gives this hybrid traction all year round. The quiet interior makes long drives pleasurable.

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The New BMW i3

By arbel — July 30th 2013 at 21:01

BMW Rolls Out Its Latest Hi-Tech Car

The latest car to come from luxury manufacturer BMW is an electric vehicle. The BMW i3 is being called the ultimate urban car thanks to its compact space and electric power.
The concept was first introduced back in 2011. However, this car is the first of its kind as BMW unveiled its latest across the globe. The car’s design is considered sleek and sexy when it is compared to other electric models. It also has distinct details that make it a true BMW such as the square edges, kidney bean grill, and a chic leather interior. However, this little electric car is a whole new direction for BMW.

The 411 on the i3

The car is expected to retail at $41,000 for the most basic model with an additional five thousand tacked on for a car with a range extender. However, thanks to its specialized battery and electric power, the car will be easy and inexpensive to fuel. The car is also said to drive extremely well in accordance to other BMW models, but there have not been any test drives offered yet. Do not let its compact size or electric power fool you because this car can reach 60 mph in just over 3.5 seconds.

The basic model can go up to a hundred miles on a full charge whereas the range extender version will allow the car to travel up to a 200 miles radius. The battery can be fully charged in 3 hours with 220 volts. However, there is a more powerful charged that can get it to one hundred percent in under half an hour.

The Ultimate Urban Car

This car is being targeted towards chic urban livers who want to invest in an electric car that is both sleek and compact. One of the more unique features of the car is that it has no middle pillar. The car is open and seamless as this allows for easier movement inside the car. The ultimate purpose of this feature means that the driver can easily exit through the passenger door when parking on a city street. The i3 also has a very small turning radius at 32 feet which will make it easy to drive in urban areas.

Sustainable and Sexy

The BMW i3 is also more than just an electric car designed to reduce its impact on the environment. It is also outfitted with sustainable materials. For example, the car’s interior is made up of at least twenty percent of recycled plastic. The wood found on the dashboard is also made from forests that are harvested with care and responsibility. The overall design of the i3 is much sleeker than previous electric car models. In fact, the head designer explained that the car was designed to be more than just a “post-apocalyptic military vehicle.” Thus, the car’s smooth and luxurious design make it more than just the average electric car.

Basic Statistics:

  • 170 horse power
  • 80-100 mile radius on full charge
  • Max Speed: 93 mph
  • Sustainable Material
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The Best SUV for a Family of 5

By arbel — July 29th 2013 at 23:31

For most people when a baby is born the first thing they want to do is look for a safer vehicle. Once the family has reached, oh say five, then questions arise concerning not only safety, but also room and affordability. Countless families have consigned themselves to a mini-van thinking that was the best way. Thanks to crossover SUVs, larger families are no longer doomed to the mini-van!

Under the hood of the Santa Fe

There are some fantastic crossover SUVs on the market right now that are not only affordable, but dependable and safe as well. When any type of SUV is considered, it is due to a desire for a vehicle that can handle various road and weather conditions, as well as haul various passengers and cargo. The Hyundai Santa Fe stands out for larger families. There are several trim packages. The Sport is probably the more popular and comes with a 2.4 liter four cylinder engine. This smaller engine still offers 190 horsepower without sending its owner to the gas station everyday. The Sport’s estimated miles per gallon is 29city/29hwy. Even the Sport 2.0T that has a turbo charged 2.0 liter engine and pulls 264 horsepower, has an estimated miles per gallon of 20city/27hwy. Not bad at all. The starting MSRP for the Sport is about 24,700 and the Sport 2.0T is 27,950.

Features of the Santa Fe

All of the Santa Fe models come with some basic features such as Bluetooth and iPod capabilities, spacious interiors, satellite radio, and an optional navigation system. However, as stated earlier, families tend to look at some essential things like safety and room, before the other perks. Although the Sport trims are nice they do only seat a maximum of five. If your family is looking to only haul people, and if you are a family of five, and are never planning on having a guest within your vehicle, then the sport is ideal. We all know that scenario is not likely, but for a family of 3-4, the Sport would work nicely. Luckily Hyundai offers a GLS and Limited version for their 2013 Santa Fe. The only true difference is the seating. The GLS can seat up to seven, but the Limited only seats up to six. The reason for this is due to the second seat row in the Limited, now has two captain chairs. Basic perks and options are basically the same across the board for all trim models of the Santa Fe, however, the panoramic sunroof that is offered on the other models is not on the GLS. The GLS has a starting MSRP of 28,350 and the Limited is 33,100. Both have a 3.3 liter V6 engine and a miles per gallon of 18city/25hwy can be expected. This is a decent miles per gallon, and you can still enjoy the subtle yet thrilling feel of 390 horsepower.

The Santa Fe and safety

The big thing now is safety. All models come with anti lock brakes, and traction and stability control. That will guarantee a safer ride on wet or icy roads. The government front and side crash rating for the Santa Fe earned an impressive five stars. The side, curtain, and front airbags are large contributors to that rating, as well as the descent control and what is called “hill hold”.
Standard on all models is Blue Link which is Hyundai’s emergency system. It includes numerous services that include remote access and theft recovery.
Overall the Santa Fe, regardless of model, is the ideal SUV for larger families. There are other comparable SUVs, but none with all of the things in one that families tend to look at. The Hyundai Santa Fe offers affordability, roominess, and safety.
